This week I attempted to learn the triple stroke roll. This has been a real challenge and to be completely honest I think it is outside of my current skill range. That being said, I’m proud that I am choosing to challenge myself. To start this rudiment I talked to a percussionist friend of mine from college. He suggested I look into the Moeller Technique to learn the concept. I found this to be really helpful! Here is one of the videos I looked at:
I don’t think I will be able to fully develop this in the time I have left in this inquiry, but I’m happy I was able to develop a general understanding and gather some resources. This way when I have future students I can offer them advice in learning the technique.
Here is a video that shows some of my practice process. It is short and sweet but I think it really demonstrates how it is a process to learn this type of thing. It starts out really messy, but I eventually get to the place where I am more consistently getting three strokes in each hand. I do notice, however, that I often “buzz” instead of having three distinct taps in each hand, that is something to work on! Here’s hoping one day I can do this at a higher level, but until then it is always good to look back and reflect on my practice videos.
Photo by Case Hubbart on Unsplash
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