This week was all about drags. This rudiment is very similar to a flam and really fun to play. They are both grace notes, however, a drag is two grace notes played as a diddle before the primary note. As… Continue Reading →
This week I started learning how to play the Flam rudiment. A flam is essentially a grace note and requires one stick to hit just before the other. This is done by having different stick heights in each hand and… Continue Reading →
This week I attempted to learn the triple stroke roll. This has been a real challenge and to be completely honest I think it is outside of my current skill range. That being said, I’m proud that I am choosing… Continue Reading →
This year has brought a lot of distributed learning into my life, which isn’t something I expected to happen before the times of COVID-19. When I first found out that my PDP would be happening online I was really upset…. Continue Reading →
This week I came back from my midterm check in and started to focus on some new rudiments. This is the week of single and double stroke rolls. I turned to youtube to get some examples and instructional videos to… Continue Reading →
This week I spent some time exploring Richard Mayer’s Principles of Multimedia Learning. You can access more on this theory here. This theory includes many different ideas and concepts and I enjoyed exploring them and thinking about real life examples… Continue Reading →
So far my free inquiry has been primarily about learning a few basic snare rudiments. This week and next week are a focus on applying those rudiments to specific exercises to help prove and demonstrate my knowledge, skills, and understanding…. Continue Reading →
This week I focused on learning and developing my double stroke. This has been really challenging so far, and a bit frustrating to learn on my own. I’m trying to take those feelings into account and use them to inform… Continue Reading →
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