My Journey Through Teacher Education

category EDCI 336

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Assessment for, as, and of Learning

I have done a lot of exploration on assessment for, as, and of learning in the music classroom throughout my undergrad and the beginnings of my teacher education studies. In music education a huge part of my job is program… Continue Reading →

Midterm Achievement – Snare Techniques and Jazz Pedagogy

Jazz Ped Resource PGPThis is my official midterm check in week! My personal and musical growth this semester have focused on learning basic snare techniques and building my jazz pedagogy knowledge. It has been a challenging road so far but… Continue Reading →

Midterm Prep – It’s Crunch Time!

So far my free inquiry has been primarily about learning a few basic snare rudiments. This week and next week are a focus on applying those rudiments to specific exercises to help prove and demonstrate my knowledge, skills, and understanding…. Continue Reading →

The Future of Education – Jeff Hopkins

This past week we had Jeff Hopkins the founder of the Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry as a guest in EDCI 336. This was an incredibly enlightening discussion where I was able to hear first hand about the future… Continue Reading →

Practicing Paradiddles

This week consisted of paradiddle practice. The single paradiddle is a simple pattern that goes as follows (R L R R, or L R L L). This rudiment is combining both singe strokes and double strokes, both of which I… Continue Reading →

Video/Audio/Image Editing – iMovie Basics

This week I played around with some video editing technology! I used iMovie to create a get to know you video for one of my other PDP courses and I found the program really straightforward and easy to use! I… Continue Reading →

Apps and Digital Programs in Education

The digital age of teaching and learning means that there are many applications that can be used to enhance and redefine the education experience. I had the opportunity this past week to explore a program that could be used for… Continue Reading →

Developing Double Strokes

This week I focused on learning and developing my double stroke. This has been really challenging so far, and a bit frustrating to learn on my own. I’m trying to take those feelings into account and use them to inform… Continue Reading →

Navigating the Electronic Present: Social Media, Personal Learning Networks, and Privacy and Safety.

I had the opportunity to experience a particularly enlightening lecture this past week in my EDCI 336 class from Jesse Miller. This lecture touched on a few important topics that have been at the back of mind recently as I… Continue Reading →

Building a Foundation

My snare practice has officially begun! So far the instrument has proved to be challenging, but I am enjoying the learning process. As a musician I know the importance of building a strong foundation for aspects such as technique and… Continue Reading →

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